Source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/49291777@N05/4540424707/,
found on wikipedia.org |
Having been born on the 23rd of February 1965, in Houston, Texas, Michael Dell displayed an amazing interest in both gadgets and technology. Amazingly, at the age of eight, he made a serious attempt of earning his high school diploma in a hastened manner by successfully making through a test and subsequently inviting a person from a company mandated with testing. Dell (when he was twelve years of age) started his very first business venture of creating his personal stamp auction. Both stamps and the commercial opportunities presented by the same fascinated Dell. He aimed at surpassing the ordinary auctioneers, by getting to learn more about stamps and at the same time earn a commission in the course of the process. By the time he was celebrating his fifteenth birthday, Dell had bought an Apple Computer of the then era as a way of satisfying his curiosity on how this computer worked. A year later, Dell got a summer job of selling newspaper subscriptions to The Houston Post. It is in this job that he got to learn the power possessed by market segmentation. Additionally, Michael Dell got to learn from this newspaper job the numerous new phone numbers that the telephone company issued and how to cold call these numbers. It is through this that he got to understand the pattern. During his time in college in the University of Texas, Dell kicked off his construction of computers and subsequently selling them to people. This is actually how his business was started, that would later become - Dell Inc. At this time, his focus was cheaper prices and stout customer support. Within no time, Dell owned outside school accounts. At the age of 19, he finished his freshman year but soon left the university, because he wanted to dedicate his time and resources to the venture on a full-time basis. In the 1980s, Michael Dell played a very pivotal role in the inauguration of personal computer (PC) revolution following his creation of the Dell Computers. And by the time he was clocking 26, Dell was announced the youngest Chief Executive Officer of a company to have ever been ranked on the Fortune 500 listing.
Although his parents had compelled him to pursue medicine, Dell followed his early interests in business and technology. It is this personal interest that the success he achieved is not in its entirety a surprise. By 1984, the numbers had become overwhelming as Dell's company was celebrating its first full year in business having made sales amounting to USD 6 million. In 1989, he got married to Susan with whom they have born four children. As the millennium was being ushered in, Dell had become a billionaire and besides, his company had opened offices in approximately thirty four countries with a workforce of over thirty five thousand employees. A year later, Dell Computer became the world's larger maker of personal computers displacing Compaq Computer. Despite the fact that Dell was not only extremely private but also infamously shy, he has been able to come out of this cocoon and his fame is presently known by all. In unity the Dells have displayed their willingness to share their wealth through various foundations such as the Susan Dell Foundation.
Read more about Michael Dell and his company here:
http://businessideaslab.com/dell-computers/ and find some more detailed information.
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