November 06, 2015

To Send Your Enemies Glitter? This Is One Of The Greatest Business Ideas

Sending your enemies glitter may sound a little strange, even insane, especially if you want to start a business doing this. But do you know that this strange business ideas was turned into a super successful business on the Internet? And this happened practically overnight? If you haven't heard about Mathew Carpenter and his site you will be probably amazed about his story. This is how all happened...

Mathew Carpenter Founds

Mathew decided to build a website that can offer the service to send glitter bombs to anybody in the world. He created the website on 12.01.2015 and put a price tag of $9.99 per glitter bomb. He thought that his idea was innovative and contacted many of the biggest news sites and told them about his idea. Eventually, sites like Daily Telegraph and like his story and published it. So did most of the other sites Mathew got in touch. This was how just in a day or two became so popular, that the site receive more than 1 million visits. Some of these visitors started to order the 'send glitter to your enemies' service and... Carpenter received so many orders, that he couldn't handle the load.

He didn't know what to do, he even asked his customers to stop buying his service. May be he wanted to escape from this situation, or probably to take advantage of the overnight success of his site, he decided to sell it on On 22.01.2015 (9 days later) he put up for sale on a public auction. The site was bought by Peter Boychuk for the amount of $85 000.

The site still operates and if you want to send your enemies glitter, you now know how. Everything is possible in the Internet today. This amazing success story is just one among the many other like it. If you have a good and innovative idea, you can start making loads of money online just like that. Please, share your comments below and tell us what do you think about the story.

The glitter site mention above, too.

October 29, 2015

This Is How Bill Gates Started

Bill gates created a multi-billion empire out of nothing, but his brain. He took a tremendous advantage of the computer revolution and got shamelessly rich. most of the people know him as the founder of Microsoft, the inventor of Windows, or as the richest person on Earth. A few know how he actually started, what he went through and how exactly he became a multi-billionaire. Below is one very interesting infographic, that will show you his career path through the years. It's actually a short story about Bill Gates' life, you will definitely like it.

Bill Gates's Story

(Click on the image to see it larger)
This infographic shows the life path of Bill Gates. Source
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September 12, 2015

18 Tips That Will Make You An Entrepreneur

As you probably know, entrepreneurship is not something you are born with. Being an entrepreneur is a state of the mind. This actually means that everybody can become an entrepreneur, if he or she starts training his/her mind. Successful entrepreneurs are very much alike. If you are struggling to become one, below is an infographic that contains some nice tips that will help out. These are 18 things that if followed will set you mind at the entrepreneurship frequency. Here they are:
The infographic from above was created by Cornerstone. So, how do you think? Are these tip really helpful for becoming an entrepreneur? You can share your thoughts by commenting below.

July 24, 2015

Are You An Entreprenenur? What Kind?

I came across a funny infographic about the different kinds of entrepreneurs. If you are one, it may be interesting for you to see what is your type. In addition to the funny stuff on the image, you can see some interesting statistics about entrepreneurs and their start ups in the United States. It turns out that they are the engine of the US economy and create the most jobs positions in the country. Also, most of them not only do what they really enjoy, but also they earn relatively well, even though they are just starting up.

April 24, 2014

The Youngest And The Riches In The World

Being young is really nice, but being young and wealthy is awesome. This is a wonderful combination which a really small amount of people can achieve. Actually the people how are rich and in the same time are under their 30s are really few. Here is a cool picture, on which you can see the top riches and youngest guys/gals on the planet.

The following infographic created by shows30 of the youngest and wealthiest in the world.

World�s richest and youngest 30 entrepreneurs
Explore more visuals like this one on the web's largest information design community - Visually.

October 01, 2013

A Short Story Of Steve Wozniak (Woz)

Steve Wozniak allows anyone to use this photo for any purpose!

Steve Wozniak, shortly called as "Woz", is a computer engineer, famous for inventing the first Apple computers. Growing up in San Jose, California, he was inspired by his father's electronics job and took interest in re-assembling chips in electronic devices, recreating game characters in home television, all of which led him to win numerous awards in science fairs. During high school, he got to know Steve Jobs and owing to their common interests, they both developed an instant rapport and went on to work together in optimizing the circuit board for the game 'Breakout', an incident which is notorious for Jobs scamming Wozniak. He was also a notable prankster, one of which, 'Dial-A-Joke', made him meet Alice Robertson, whom he passionately pursued by joining the Freemasons, in which she had been a member. In 1971, due to insufficient money, Wozniak withdrew from his program at University of California, Berkley, however, he managed to acquire a job at Hewlett Packard (HP) where he enjoyed his work as a computer engineer.
During his job at HP, he got involved with Homebrew Computer club which inspired him to develop computers. This new found interest ultimately led to the creation of the first Apple computer, Apple 1, in 1976 and he sold them by starting the company 'Apple' along with Steve Jobs. But his biggest achievement came few years later - the creation of Apple 2 computers, which was much more sophisticated than its predecessor and which earned him millions in an extremely short time. Later, in his autobiographical book iWoz: From Computer Geek to Cult Icon: How I Invented the Personal Computer, Co-Founded Apple, and Had Fun Doing It , which he wrote to dispel the rumors concerning him, he clarified that Jobs had no role in the creation of Apple 2 computers. In 1981, a few weeks before his second marriage with Candice Clark, he got seriously injured from an airplane crash and suffered from traumatic memory loss for a while. Upon his recovery and subsequent marriage, he returned to University of California, Berkley under a pseudonym (because he was popular at that time) and resumed his undergraduate degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science degree, while throwing rock-themed US festivals simultaneously, an endeavor which made him lose a considerable amount of his gathered wealth.

He graduated in 1986 and left Apple in 1987, citing that though there were no bitter feelings, he felt Apple had a negative influence to his creative knowledge. Since then, he either created or co-founded a series of companies such as CL-9, Wheels of Zeus, Acquicor Technology, pursuing his dream for innovation. Eventually, he settled for another passion of his - teaching school children, which he did for almost ten years, after divorcing his second wife, Candice. Currently, he is married to Janet Hill and lives in Los Gatos, California, receiving $120,000 stipend from Apple every year for owning few of its shares. In his autobiographical book, he had strongly asserted that he had a good relationship with Steve Jobs right until his death. Steve Wozniak has received numerous honorary doctorates, awards and was included into the National Inventors Hall of Fame. He does philanthropy through his 'Unite Us In Song' organization ( and has also appeared in TV shows and films, one of which was 'Jobs', the 2013 biographical film about Steve Jobs. Read more about Steve Jobs here:
 More about Woz, you can find here:

September 13, 2013

The Most Popular Crowdfunding Websites

Crowdfunding has become more and more popular way for financing new and creative start ups. Starting companies usually can't get a business loan, because they have no history and no assets to secure the loan. This makes crowdfunding an exceptional way for starting entrepreneurs to find the money they need for their ideas. Billions of dollars has been invested this way and hundreds of thousands of new businesses has been launched. On the following infographic, made by the starting business consulting you can see some information about the top 4 crowdfunding platforms. Below you can read a word or two about each of them.

if you don't know what exactly crowdfunding is, yo can read this blog post about it.

The Biggest Sites of That Kind - a big site, suitable for bigger projects, the minimum is $150 thousands of capital. - here you can download an open source crowdfunding platform, install it on your server and make your own site of that kind. - a great and very popular site, where your idea has a good chance to be noticed. - another big site, where you will receive the money for your project, even if you don't reach your money goal. Additional information on the matter you can see on Wikipedia here.